In 2007 the Cook Islands launched our country’s 2020 visionary framework: Te Kaveinga Nui, the first NSDP articulated the national vision, and development outcomes desired by Cook Islanders which would be realised through a three phase medium term (5 yearly) planning approach.
The National vision is:
“Te oraanga tu rangatira kia tau ki te anoano o te iti tangata, e kia tau ki ta tatou peu Maori e te aotini taporoporoia o te basileia”
“To enjoy the highest quality of life consistent with the aspirations of our people, and in harmony with our culture and environment”.
Click on the below for past NSDP reports

2011-2015 – NSDP 2011-2015 builds upon the gains made in NSDP 2007-2010. To take the development to the next level, eight overarching national goals speak to a vibrant Cook Islands economy, supported by good infrastructure development and energy security; where our people have the opportunities to fulfil their potential; are resilient to the disasters and climate change impacts; live in a healthy environment; and where our progress is underpinned by the principles of good governance and law and order.